Thursday, August 20, 2009

The great Barrier has been cannonballed !!!!

Let me share with you ...
Wednesday nights have become my "night of nerves" as I know only hours stand between myself and the news Big Dave will deliver in mere hours... The Weigh-In ...
I felt certain we had another 3 pounds off this week but it is getting harder and harder for even me to tell as Dave's clothes are getting quite baggy now and what once revealed itself so easily now does not... There is guess work.

I know Dave's commitment to our strategy is sound and the rest is honestly time and tweaking however the mental component of weight loss on this level can not be overlooked. This can seem as easy or as difficult as one wants to make it...
We have been "inching" closer and closer to the 300 pound mark and I wanted so much to get him under that barrier. It was and is my wish for Dave that he never sees that number again staring up from the scales at him.

As of this morning August 20th less than 2 months in to the challenge he has met that goal...
Today Dave weighed in at 299 pounds...

Dave has succeeded in blasting through our first big hurdle and we are ready to focus on the next stepping stone goal.
We are gearing to have 50 pounds off in time for thanksgiving. That's 7 nail biting Wednesday nights... I know Dave is up to it, I hope I am...

Its a great day...
trainer Andrea

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