Monday, October 5, 2009

Turning the other cheek...

So it's been a few days since I've written and I apologize.... I can just imagine the buzz, "where oh where is Miss Trainer Andrea?" Fear not. I was in negotiations for the movie rights for the upcoming "David and Andrea's adventures in fitness" cable series...

I am kidding but if you caught the show on cogeco and you liked it.... call them or e-mail them and maybe they will invite us back for more "Coffee Talk" with David Glover. I enjoyed myself quite abit...

Speaking of which I am not sure if any of you have noticed any differences in our David "characterwise" but I must spill....
The other day after filming when we were set to leave cogeco I could'nt help but notice the "screamimg" fashion statement our man Dave was all about...

Police "colottes". Yup, I bet they are all the range in the big cities. Flattering really. Nice look for the men in blue.... Loose, not binding like other pants. Flowy, airy, whispy... They seem to say "hey, look at me", I am beautiful, a man of style and leisure". Nice, refreshing, like an ice cold glass of lemonade on a hot day.

I can see "the look" really catching on... Keep your eyes out people and hats off to our man Dave for taking the "plunge" and really spreading his wings in the fashion realm... good on ya fella...

Trainer Andrea

1 comment:

  1. MY GIRL, MY GIRL......You are so amazing Andrea, I sit in awe of you. You are such an amazing woman, who can transform people before my very eyes. This is a true talent. It is what you were meant to do, I can feel it in my bones....I'm sure everyone else can too, but anyways, I just wanted to remind you that I am forever greatful for putting my man back together again. We had the most amazing thing happen the other day...,I just have to spill (pardon the pun), sorry Dave, but this on is a goodon'. We were sitting at Casey's (yes Casey's) he is very good at ordering there. Anyways away we went, to indulge in our lovely meal, and low and behold a common accurance happened right before our eyes......yes Dave dropped food (yes you say, so what, happens all the time) BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...... in this case it didn't land on his shirt on his tummy (a common joke at our house, oh the sensitivity is amazing at our home) seriously we are ruthless. No I'm serious we have no one by the name of Ruth at our home.....hahahaha I kill me too,.. anyways this morsel ended up on the table in front of Dave, I almost jumped right outta my chair!!!!!!!! I was soooooo excited, that was the best part of the whole week for me, I keep replaying it in my head. Do you know how many years I have had to wash his shirts due to this unfortunate occurance....not that I mind, I am just soooo sooooo proud, it's like been forever before I thought I'd ever see that again. So I have tremendous respect in you for making this happen. I know I owe you a great deal of gratitude because you and Dave make the best team. I'm so extremely proud of the both of you.....keep it going honey, we can accomplish anything!!!!!
