Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Is coming...

I wanted to take a moment and let everyone know how hard Myself and all of us on team Bodilogix are working in preparation of readying the place to welcome some new folks to "the Life". With our newly expanded gym with added conditioning center and full menu group classes starting up, we've never been more ready to get anyone in the best shape of their lives !!!

Anyone and everyone interested on really making changes, we are ready.

Allow us to be a part of ensuring you are successful.

The new year is eight around the corner and I know we often feel a little bit of pressure to make this time a time to make change. I used to balk at the New Years Resolution... Now i embrace it...

I would like to introduce everyone that is truly serious about taking control of their life, their health, and their well being the idea of the "New Years Revolution !!!!"

That's when we make change for good... For real ... and that is what it is all about here at Bodilogix...
We are waiting for you !

I have decided to continue to use this blog to reach out to regular visitors to the site and keep everyone personally informed with what is going on at bodilogix... as it happens.
Stay tuned, Always something new happening here,

Check out the latest on the Bodiloigx website events page for results on the battle of the Dave's...
If you are just hearing about the battle of the Dave's definitely check it out, Our mornings are off the shizzle ridiculous with our two Dave's barring and sparring... it's hard to keep up with the jokes and Trainer Andrea and Trainer Becky right in the middle of it all....

So far the Dave's teams look like this..

Team Cromlish... Team Huges...

Sheri Russell Becky Deremo
Rick Cromlish Chris Littlechild
Kathy Bernard Thompson
Andrea Johnson
Mike Godin

Pick your Dave people ... Let me know which "Dave" you are throwing your support behind...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

And she's off...

It has been a crazy whirl wind week of "life" moving and swirling around me pulling me in all different directions to say the least. Life is certainly proving a little more complicated as I prepare for this competition compared to the last go around and i will most certainly need to make adjustments in my use of time and thinking. I don't remember life being this frantic and chaotic while in my last prep. My journals as I review them indicate a time of serenity and balance. I remember really enjoying the process last time and at present it's straight up hill with nothing more than a pick axe and one shoe...Hard work staying focused...

Despite the perception of difficulty I did manage to lose the 2 pounds I goaled to do. Today I sit at exactly 130lbs. A long way to go and not a lot of time to get the job done. I hope to find the "place" I seemed to discover the last time around and sooner than later or this is going to be a long 2 months...

Feeling slightly deflated, i believe I will place blame on the heat ....
Tomorrow is another day.

Daily ajenda...

1:00 45 minute cardio
4:00 weights (chest),(triceps)
5:00-5:30 30 min cardio

Breakfast: 6:00am
10 almonds, 2 walnuts, 1/2 cup oatmeal...

Protein shake 9:00am

chopped veggies 11;30
Protein shot

chicken and salad 1:30

protein shake 3:30

Chicken and saute zuchini and peppers

protein shake 9:00pm

9:30pm-10:30pm 1 hour cardio


Friday, August 27, 2010

Thank god it's Friday...

Something about friday always brings out the giggles in me. This Friday is a little more somber i am feeling as we are all heading out to the Legion for a fund raiser for the McKeown Family. I am happy to hear so many from Bodilogix will be there supporting the event and it is always a fun time when the gang is altogether. I will have to forgo any wobbly pops or the like as all alcoholic beverages have left my life strictly after returning from vacation.

This mornings cardio was yanked off the table do to a slow start this morning and super tight legs, i will put in 1 hour of Cardio today where and when in the schedule I am not certain as of yet but I have biceps/triceps on tap with the lovely Miss Cindy and will throw the cardio in their somewhere.

3:15-4:00pm 45 minutes of cardio
5:15- 6:30pm weights
6:30-7:00pm additional cardio

Not necessarily "ideal" but ideal considering the busy day with my clients ahead of me... Hopefully there aren/t too many on leg day my gams aching big time and it's only going to get worse...

6:00 yogurt
half cup oatmeal

9:00 Protein shake (banana joe)

11:30 chopped veggies

2:00 salad and chicken

5:00 shake

800 shake

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day78...but whose counting...

Holy moly, only 78 more crazy days til Pizza...

Program today..

Afternoon 30 minute cardio (Eliptical)
Scorching Leg workout with training Partner extraordinaire Miss Cindy...set a personal deadlifing record !!!
Late night Cardio 30 minutes...

Interesting... Thing is as I prepare for my own show, everyone whom I train, all of their programs and performances in the gym go up a notch.

I might feel a little bad for my clients today they all worked really really hard. My prediction... They are all going to be working really really really hard this fall here at the Bodilogix !!!!

The eating is just tough my appetite is so over the top right now and my body is craving a strength cycle not a "cutting" cycle. It will get easier.

Tomorrow is another day starting with 45 minute 6:00am cardio planned, See you all in the morning gang!

Nighty night !


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Early to bed and early to rise...

Early to bed is really just a fantasy in my life although last night I gave it my best attempt... I was up every 90 minutes going to the washroom, this is good news...
The last time I prepped for a show I was up half the night having a pee and I swear to god I just kept waking up with a "changed" body. Last night was the first crazy night of washroom visitations therefore although a disrupted sleep to be sure (4 visits in total through the night) I see this as an encouraging sign that my body is responding as I wish it to regarding the changes in activity and diet I have already made.

It is now 6:20 am and I am about to begin my first Cardio.
Downed my first bottle of water, 3 Mitotropin, 2 anavite (vitamins) extra "C" 500mg followed by and 2 baby yogurts...good to go!
30 minutes...see you on the other side.

Done and on with the day... next stop 4:00pm shoulder workout...


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Onward to Vegas baby .....

I was asked by the lovely and talented Miss Wendy how she could support me through the upcoming 80 days on my quest to win the Fame Natural World bodybuilding championship to be held in Las Vegas November 11. Good question, I need all the support and encouragement a gal can muster as this is for anyone in or not in the know a tough trick to do!!!

The attention to training is gruelling.. the amount of Cardio obscene... and the strict diet... don't even go there sister is just gets ridiculous... I remember sipping a Cinnamon apple tea last go around as I prepared for the eastern championships held right here in Cobourg and I decided I should NOT drink the tea because despite the lack of evidence the taste was telling of perhaps a questionable ingredient that could very well side track my chances in a win and the physical "show ready" perfection I was in search of. Quite frankly the darn stuff tasted too dam good !!!!In hind sight I should have just drank the tea and enjoyed its robust flavour... oh the mind... tricky stuff.

Anyway it was decided that this time around while I prep I should continue to write a Blog and report to all of you what I am up to.The idea is that this seemed the best way to attract support from readers like yourself... I very much would appreciate your comments, questions and feedback if it is of a positive nature and I will do my best to devulge in the most honest light what the experience is like to prepare one self for the challenge of performing on stage as I bid to capture my first World title on my road to Professional status.

I have no secrets, I have no magic, just me, my knowledge and "Will" to achieve the following mandate..

I know from my past experience where I need to take my physique to be worthy of the stage and performance I will be displaying to capture the title so here are the particulars...

weight now : 132 pounds Goal weight: 114 pounds
bodyfat% 23% Bodyfat % 13%

days to goal : 80
Welcome to the ride people hang on it's going to be a bumpy one!!!!


Friday, July 2, 2010

Wasn't that a party....

With , a tear in my eye, and many fond memories another fledgling is "air borne" and our man Dave is a free man. Free from this trainers ever so watchful eye and blistering inquisitions... "what did you have for dinner last night Dave ?"
Endless days and nights of interviews with Dave's family and friends hoping to catch any and all of them in a story and get the real truth about "What was really for dinner last night... I mean really for dinner..."

Afternoons stalking our man Dave as he meanders aisle by aisle through the Metro trying to escape my stealthy glances into his cart. Is ihis cart full of vegies and lean chicken breast, bananas and the like... lert's sneak a peak...

Gone are my motivational speeches and heart to hearts. Just to set the record straight when I called him "Mr. delicate" it was really only out of concern...Honest!
And I do apologize ...somewhat for calling him "a little girl" maybe more than once... it slipped...but I never called him that more than 10 times ...I swear!

Oh the memories of watching that sweaty guy just begging for mercy,,, Please, Please make it stop..the pain." I am maudlin with the memories....

Stop!!! I'm getting misty just replaying this last year of the "no cop out challenge" in my mind...

As Dave sets off on his new active life as a much slimmer and trimmer Dave, I feel our time together has been an overwhelming success on all fronts.

1. Dave did infact lose his 100 pounds... 107.2 to be exact
2. Dave and friends did infact walk 100 km as our training goal over this year has grown to include.
3. Dave by weeks end I am certain will have in fact raised an overwhelming $18,000 + for the Northumberland Hills Hospital Fund and I think the crash cart goal will also be met.

4 As well as most importantly, my friend Dave has a new lease on life and is challenging himself on his next mountain range of goals and experiences he would like to conquer.
Dave is no longer a big man with trouble on the horizon with regards to his health. Dave is in as much control as active adult and taken action on keeping and bettering his quality of life as he ages and not the reverse.

Dave is a good lesson to all of us. A lesson about drive, determination, and follow through.

As Dave's trainer I am so very proud of him and look forward to further opportunities to take his training in whatever direction or ambition Dave has.

A for me...I will await my next protege and continue to welcome everyone here to Bodilogix to a wonderful supportive family who understands what it is to make the change.

Cheers Dave,
See ya tomorrow...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Three more sleeps...

A brave move to be sure but I just invested in a new pair of shoes only three days before the hike... "The Hike"... will I break these shoes in on time... Oh the suspense....

Emotions.... so many.... My compadre Mr.Cromlish concerns me with those crazy feet of his. I worry those dogs of his are going to be a problem... and he is going to be a G.R.U.M.P.Y !!!!!
Oh and did you hear the latest... We are now departing at 12:01am Friday morning...ya whatever !!!
No sleep and a 72 km walk, just another day.

I have understandabley a few concerns with this plan..

1. Wild animals
2. It's still freakin dark...
3. Bathroom breaks... two words--- poison Ivy! It's Dark! Wild Animals!!!!

Anyway, in a nut shell i will agree to just about any crazy plan Cromlish wishes to bring to the table, after all he agreed to do this walk with me almost one year ago, the least I can do is haul my ass off the couch at Midnight and take my chances in the bushes...

Over and out !

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Oh What a Night...

I believe I am still a bit "high" from last evening but I am not sure whether this euphoria is due to the Triple Win I had last evening at the 2010 Fame bodybuilding competition or the huge slab of unbelievably delicious chocolate raspberry truffle cake I devoured shortly after...

It was a great day for the Bodilogix team on so many levels...

As some of you may already know, Chris Littlechild, Cindy Adams, Devin, and my self have been hard in training as contestants in this years Fame bodybuilding championships held right here in Cobourg. For this group our journey to April 17th of 2010 started April of 2009 !!!
It was decided among our small but mighty group we would commit to support each other and as a team would enter various appropriate categories and challenge ourselves physically and mentally like we have never been challenged before. And we were...

From the design of the training program and it's various stages carefully mapped out with great detail to yield us maximum muscle growth, followed by a 4 month "cutting" program that by the end leaves the sight of a rice cake "too rich in carbs" for the diet, it's enough to make a grown fitness model/bodybuilder cry.

Our prep team, Mr. David Long, Melissa Lewis and Dan the man Darrlington. All I know is behind every serious fitness competitor/ Bodybuilder stands a very special person who really, really loves you because you are not a nice person in the slightest and you really smell like rotten eggs when the unmentionable happens... and it happens a lot.
I chuckle at so many memories on the journey least of which that special gift of Gas X Miss Cindy brought me one fine morning because "she loves me" and "she cares..."
Thanks Cindy... I love you too ...

The last few days have been nothing short of hazy and hilarious for me. Bodilogix team basically moved in to the gym away from television commercials about burger King and to commune with other orange skinned people.
David Long (official Den mother to the group)was the artist on hand painting all of every hour for 2 days solid, and when I say all of us... I mean "All of Us"...poor guy. oh the things he has seen...

The result...
This girl... the sarge as you know me brought home
1st in open women's bodybuilding
1st in Masters women's bodybuilding
overall most "ripped" (conditioned) female award

Cindy Adams... Might I add picked up a dumbbell for the first time 18 months prior brought home
First masters female fitness model

Devin Olivieri Our choreographer extraordinaire and inspiration... mandatory pose pro brought home
Third in Elite Men's bodybuilding

Honourable mention:
Chris Littlechild although the trophy eluded our Mr. Littlechild (this time) his conditioning was excellent, posing and routine superb... and his team etiquette was exemplary and was always there in mind and body, the true spirit of what our team is all about.

But what's winning without sharing...

It is all of you who made this moment so special for me. For all of us... Hearing your cheers and applause whenever one of the team dawned the stage, or on a more personal note when ever my big toe hit the stage, was nothing short of wind under my own wings propelling me to do my very best. You gave me the energy I needed to do what I had prepared myself all year to do...represent, for all of us.
I am so very thankful as are the rest of the team for all of you that came out to support us. To yell, whistle scream your support and encouragement was so important to us. It made our night.

We are better from this experience..
We have each learned something about ourselves.
We have grown within from this experience..
We have bonded as a collective from this experience

We are team Bodilogix... and we are growing...
Who is up to the challenge for next year?...

A Big Thank you,
The Biggest...

Humbly yours,

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Is this thing on?

All ye faithful readers...

A million apologize... the funny or not so funny part is I am writing to you from HQ Bodilogix in between sets of my own workout and its 10:15 pm !!!!
Be right back... the smith machine is calling....
doing some shoulders right now pretty much because everything else hurts from the big 30 km shuffle yesterday...

Great weather, perfect day for a hike...
A big shout out to Rhonda Cunningham and Doris Biron for joining us for a portion of the hike as well as a huge nod to the stars of the Hike ... Chris Littlechild and Kristen Marshman for hiking like the champs they are and coming out with us even though their butts are not out on the proverbial line like mine and Cromlishs' is....

I have had my hands full with the competition I have in April and when I am not on a cardio machine you can find me nibbling on a piece of cardboard under the leg press, usually this occurs around three in the afternoon....
Enough about this cat... lets talk skating, lets talk 100 km hike, let's talk naked on the beach... yup... these are crazy times at the Bodilogix and are getting crazier all the time.
Back momentarily, the smith machine beacons one more time...

Ouch !!!
All good...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A hiking we will go...

Well kids, tomorrow is another hike with big Dave. I have been looking forward to this hike as soon as we got home from the last hike. We are adding 5km on to this hike and I found the last one at 20Km to be quite challenging so I am going to bed a little extra early and this time I am definitely wearing long Johns !!!! Man my legs were cold last go around...

It's all good.

Wish us luck kids! And if you are not doing anything, we are meeting at Bodilogix at 7:30am and we should be wrapping it up around 1:00pm. Hot soup is definitely on the menu for tomorrows Lunch!!!

ladies, a reminder... Spa night will be held Saturday February 20th at 6:30pm.
Come prepared to play,

Our theme... "Detox"!!!

Hiker Andrea Over and out !!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Back from Mars... What a lovely planet...

Hey there gang... I have returned.
I've been on Mars. Its a beautiful planet, you should go.
Actually I run a fitness facility and it was "January"... Crazy Man !!!
Enuf said.... But seriously,

We have made a lot of new friends this month here at the gym. We at Bodilogix are very excited to share our knowledge, experience and special brand of fitness with each and everyone of our new members.
It is a particularly interesting this New years for myself as a trainer to see so many new members "of a certain age" just starting a fitness program for the first time. I am flattered that Bodilogix was their choice of club to launch there new habit and or hobby and I will do my up most to ensure this experience is a good one. My hope is to help some of these folks build a life long habit, respect and love of exercise.
Bodilogix is about making fitness fun! A special place to let some steam off, rejuvenate, become a better, fitter, stronger "you" than "you" were yesterday no matter what your age!!!

I say "Welcome Newbies" !!!!

I am also very excited about the big Skate for our Bodilogix Family and Friends! I hope you can all make it, it should be a real blast!!!
Our Pharaoh of phun is "on the job" and it should be a fantastic afternoon.

Big hike coming up.... 25 km.
Lots of walking...walking...walking...and more walking... I am going to wear thicker gloves, man my hands were cold on our last adventure and we are adding an additional hour to the hike. Hope we get a day like the last one weather wise... I am going to go ahead and put in my order...

We are welcoming a new pair of hands to give us some help over here at the Bodilogix... I would like to formally welcome Mrs. Irene Coleman to the Bodiloigix Team. Irene already a member is just the perfect addition to add to our growingteam.
We are thrilled to have her here behind the counter and on the job.
Welcome Irene !!!

Over and out

Friday, January 15, 2010

Underwear still the buzz !!!!

Ok, ok enough talk about the skivvies already, honestly people, it's underwear, we all gott'em, we all wear them... Don't we?
Fess up, who out there is going "Commando" these days... It's just not practical.

Definition of Granny pants:
First off, I don't care how many truffle cream filled Bonbons you have subjected your self to, if at any time you hold up your gitch and it appears as though a number of you could hop in there cozy comfy.. they are very wrong.

"You can't go wrong with a thong", Remember the "thong song?"
Ya ...its worth writing a song about... or perhaps a poem. Think I have one to contribute...

You can't go wrong with a thong
Stays in place all day is long
Ain't no panty lines to see
Ain't no panty lines on me

My favourite poet was Dr. Suess... (Random thought... Not sure he really ever was a doctor, but I admire his talent just the same.

I have an idea, what ever style undies you are sporting now in your infamous "undies Drawer"(BORING)...let's switch it up some...

Why don't we all take a tip from our buddy "K" and go out and purchase a completely different type underwear you never ever thought you would ever wear.
Let's do it...

boy shorts

Whatever, new year, new gitch !!!

Are you in !!!
I welcome your comments...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

If you prick him does he not bleed?

Well there you have it folks, Mr. Cromlish is in fact "Human"...
The weight loss machine has in fact come to a halt and indeed reversed direction!
Valuable lessons have been learned.

It's all about "cycles" people.
Follow along...

When you are exercising and eating well you continue to exercise and eat well...

When you stop eating well, exercise starts to slide.../
When you stop exercising its fast slippery slope to the Ben and Gerry's chocolate bon bon highway and sadly some never find the "on ramp" again.

Food is a drug.. Good or Bad and some of the bad is addictive!
Don't let the food be your narcotic!
Once the taste for sweet or salty is established the "beast must be satisfied" much to the chagrin of your tailor.
Our man Cromlish has just experienced this phenomenon. Lucky for Dave he has too much to "lose" so to speak to continue this once traveled path. He knows where this road leads and he is never going back that road again!

Holiday is over my friend, you deserved the break.
Break time is over. We have much to accomplish this year you and I and we will see this through with many lessons learned, many learned already.

Shake the "sugar monkey" off your back and lets all head on in back to the Garden patch !!!
Trainer says:
"Nourish your body, don't feed your addictions..."