Monday, December 28, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!!!

Greeting and Salutations Blog readers, Merriest of Christmases for all and pass me another egg nog!!!

Wow, that was "Craziness."
I am still high from all the sugar!!!

... And now people, it's time to put those decadent cookies away... close up the bakery kids its time to get back in the veggie garden!!

Reflect and build a plan... What would you like the next year here to be like for you...
What changes would you implement... What success have you celebrated over the past year.... Bask in them... It's all good !!!

Question...what successes would you wish to celebrate next year at this time...
As vividly as you can picture them, every detail... what would they be?

I used to balk at the concept of "New Years", the social pressure, the pressure of "resolutions" some kept, some not and the feelings of failure if that be the case, not this year...

In the past year of my life I have really embraced the "goal structure" process. Striving to extend yourself and obtain personal goals one wants to achieve. It is as good a time as any on the first of the new year...
The "secret" is to be really and truly passionate about your goals for YOU because you believe in them and wish to chase, seize or change something.

Strangely enough as my buddy Dave sees this thought process as helpful as I do I am intrigued by his goals... They are aggressive, and more importantly they are meaningful to Dave. I will ensure for my part he gets what he needs from his trainer to make certain he is as prepared to take on all of these challenges in due time.

What's your list of goals this year?
I'd love to hear from you guys the blog readers whats you guys are up to. Anyone open to sharing?
Here's the cool part...say it out loud to others and you have a far better chance of making it so... wouldn't you agree Dave?

Let's hear some goals guys...
Trainer Andrea

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's off in woods we go !!!

I am soooo excited. Tomorrow is a monumental day! For those of you that have been tracking our blogs the new year brings big Dave and I new and exciting challenges least of which is not the 100km walk we have scheduled for June of 2010. Tomorrow is our first group excursion to investigate the trail system we will be using to provide various options for our fellow fundraisers.

We will be joined by both Doris Biron and John Russell both of whom are crucial to putting this project together along with others on the committee. Miss Mia Franklin will be our guide and assist us in the mapping process. It's going to be cold, it's going to be early, and I can't wait to get out there.

I might not make any friends as I am the annoying morning person everyone loathes...

These routes we discover tomorrow will become the basis of Dave's and my trail training and we will get to know them very well. We are excited to invite anyone along who might be interested once we get up and running (or walking briskly). We will keep you posted when we are prepared for company...

Things are certainly getting exciting around here. Nevertheless as the year of 2009 closes out and we prepare to welcome 2010. There have been a few new faces popping by to get a look at the place as a potential fitness facility to strive for some life changes that may be due. We welcome anyone who wishes to enjoy our hospitality and expertise. We certainly have created quite a supportive family here. It Awesome !!!!

For those of you that don't know if you go on the website for
you can print out an amazing deal sure to get you started without soaking you dry!

Well it's off to bed for an rest before we head out,

Over and Out...
Trainer Andrea

Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's "Hold your breath" Thursday...

Well here we are again already and it's Thursday. Due to last weeks loss of only .5 pounds I have once again been a bit concerned for today's weigh-in with perhaps a crossed set of fingers in hopes that everything goes well over at the Cromlish homestead this fine morn.

Its rare but when I came in to work this morning the evidence that Cromlish had been in and gone was shall we say scarce, (his locker was untouched...I snoop....) This my friends is a rarity... Dave is pretty much the resident Troll that lives under the couch at this point. To not see Dave, hear Dave , or be picking up that mans dirty laundry is not only odd, it feels wrong.

I got to thinking what Bodilogix would be like if I never met Dave... Quieter yes I know, he really has come to embody the place. Its kinda like we built it for him. He may of picked a different color given the option. I don't think we will let Dave have too many days off. I guys what I am trying to say is that I really missed the big lug, He's alright with me.

I am certain in his next blog he will tell you all about his recent personal bests so I will not burst his balloon but let me just say, I can hardly believe Dave's turn about given at the 5 month mark not only do we only have 27 more pounds to shed, but his lifts at the gym excel in weight, reps and or form each and every workout...


If anyone would like to get Dave a gift for Christmas, the man needs "Velcro" shoes... I am certain his boot camp performance will improve greatly when he no longer needs to stop and tie his laces "yet again"

Rosie... What size?

Pool the funds people and lets help this man to a better Boot camp...
I know he will "greatly appreciate it"

Trainer Andrea