Sunday, August 30, 2009

The "Dave" games not far behind...

Well the hammer sure came down on my new boyfriend as of late...
Although he did post another loss of a lone additional pound... Cobourg as a community apparently will have to step up and band together for the sake of the "No cop out" challenge... allow me to explain...

Seems Our man Dave's eating journal has had a few questionable entries as of late...

APB.(all points bulletin) If you see Mr. Cromlish indulging in any questionable fare... please call this Number immediately. Do not approach the subject he could be dangerous and this matter should be left to the professionals.
"This is not a Drill" I repeat "THis is not a Drill"

All I am saying people is that nowhere in any of our dietary strategist discussions have we ever decided "Nachos" were a good idea..."nuff said".

It's only a matter of time before we host the "CHALLENGE OF THE DUELLING DAVE'S"
I can hear the Movie trailer announcer already...

"ONE Belt of Victory"
"TWO Dave's"
"THREE events showcasing "POWER, PoWeR, power"...
"STRENGTH, StReNgTh, strength"...
"ENDURANCE. EnDuRaNcE, endurance"...

I'm thinking a competition for the ages... or in David H's case "aged"(...that ones for you Dave C)

The Events...
Laundry Bag drag From mens room to washer, (throw it in while your at it !!!)
Leg press Ball squeeze... Its something special...
2 k Tricycle race

Winner is drapped in glory(ice pack to be provided by Bodilogix)
Loser buys smoothies for a month....

Trainer Andrea

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