Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Off to the races....

Great news, The Big man Cheated....

What I mean to say is did exactly what i so often tell people not to do... he did weigh-in again far sooner than he was due to weigh in again. I really do normally discourage that practice-(it can be dangerous to the mindset) but low and behold... another four pounds unaccounted for and we are not asking their where abouts. Good riddance we say, we are now down 19 pounds and we are indeed"off to the races".
David is now been through his weight training routine twice "in house" here at Bodilogix and we Incorporated some new moves already. We are "treading" and "tread milling" lightly as we are dealing with the anticipated owww... ouch.... "Hey there..." one would expect when one starts moving around like a butterfly in heat after a rather lengthy dormancy period.

David is "Tin Roof" rusty to be sure and we are really challenging his "Issues with his Tissues" with our "out of the gates" excitement. I must apologize I have been listening to a lot of Hip hop music can you tell....I feel so "Jiggy", That's "Jiggy... Not Jiggly...) Yo word to the mother... Who's mother..not too sure...

I am finding "Big Dave" as my son calls him to be reasonably "in tune" with his body and adjusting well to the changes on the fly we are having to deal with and I am most certain will continue to deal with as the weeks and months fly by or drag on depending on who you are talking to.

Rest assured people as we enter our 4th week together on the Dave and Andrea's excellent adventure...we are off to the races and we are winning this one...for good!

Trainer Andrea
"Totally Pumped..."

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